Chapter 4--We Are Making A Mockery Of Sexual Harrassment And Its Not Right
12-17-17 Chapter 4--We Are Making A Mockery Of Sexual Harassment And It's Not Right
To start off with I am posting a disclaimer. Please read the disclaimer before you email me hateful words, equate me with the porcine family or decide my family tree doesn't fork everywhere its suppose to. Ok? I've been wanting to write about this topic for a long time but never could get my words quite right. I'm not sure I still have them right but here we go.......................
I have a way of over simplifying things most of the time. The majority of the time it works for me. Black is black, white is white and for most things there is no grey area. Well that's not the case for the sexual harassment movement. I hate to even use the word movement. But the more I reflect on the word, maybe that's exactly what it needs to be called. Now, I am not for one minute making light of genuine harassment claims, misconduct or assault investigations. What's wrong is still wrong no matter the circumstances. What is also wrong, is people jumping on this "me too" bandwagon and taking people down just because somehow, in their mind they think they have been harassed. We are headed to a place where everybody makes a claim no matter the validity, then after a time it blows over for the most part and somebody with a true story of being mistreated gets no justice because they were the last one to the dance. Its ridiculous. If a guy tells a girl, "Hey nice ass", I think we can all probably agree that unless he is complimenting her on her donkey that is sexual harassment. But now we have guys saying something to a coworker like, "Hey you look pretty today" and they are getting reported to HR. Not harassment people. Another example, if you are at a bar, been drinking for most of the night and a guy comes up to you that has been doing the same thing and he tries to lean in and start something and you stop him and he apologizes and you both go your separate way, that isn't harassment. On the other hand, if he doesn't get the message that you aren't interested but doesn't get physical, but keeps invading your personal space, then you should double up your fist and break his nose. We have instances where a male coworker asks a female coworker out, she rebuffs him and files a harassment claim. Really? If that is harassment in the truest sense then why isn't it harassment when she is asked out by a guy but accepts the invitation? One of these days the human population is going to die out because everybody is afraid of asking each other out. So no dating, no relationships, no marriage, no sex and no kids and no furthering the human race. The bandwagon with sexual harassment reminds me a lot of the bandwagon with racism. Stories come out , everybody is a racist, everybody belonged to the KKK, reparations must be made and what has happened now? For the most part that radical movement we saw just a few months ago has died down. How many more true stories of racism are out there, but since it doesn't fit the narrative of what's important to the powers that be, those stories are left behind. People that deserve some justice aren't getting theirs just because they were late getting to the ball. The same thing is going to happen with sexual harassment victims, this too will pass at some point, and some young lady who lived through hell and finally got the courage to speak up will be left out in the cold because she wasn't the first one in line to jump. We have become such a reactionary society these days that's its not doing anything but kicking us in the ass. So if somebody gives you a true compliment, accept it and say Thanks. If somebody is being a pig and it merits a report to your HR department then report them, but if they are being a dumbass and it just happens once, chalk it up to the human race being the human race and shrug it off. Oh, by the way, this isn't just a male dominated topic. I have been around some foul mouthed women in my time. Making characterizations about male anatomy that I don't really think are physically possible unless an intervention with a surgeon has been undertaken. Did their comments take me by surprise? Sometimes. Did I think it warranted a conversation with higher ups or even them? No. We can't fix this problem, and there is a problem, when everybody yells WOLF, but when we run to help, all that's there is a miniature poodle. After that the wolves just move to the background and pick off the easy ones. We have to be smarter then the wolves. Just something to ponder on.
Today on the farm............We have artic air coming in the latter part of the week for several days, so I have to fix a couple of water leaks, and get the animals situated for some cold weather. Its amazing to me how tough outside animals are. You give them a little shelter, food and water and they are good to go. Chances are I will be bitching for a week after it warms up about how cold it was.
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