Chaper 16-- What A Glorious Morning

Chapter 16--What A Glorious Morning

Good Morning Everybody, How are ya?  Our little area of paradise received its first meaningful rain in over 6 months last night and this morning.  Reports so far say we were blessed with around an inch of rain.  Praise the Lord it rained, but maybe just as important is how a good general rain over a large area just changes everybody's attitude.  

Farmers and ranchers are the ultimate optimists.  We have to be.  It seems we see droughts, storms, blizzards, low commodity prices, floods, high feed costs, tariff wars, crop failures or a combination of it all, as frequently as some people change their underwear.  Nerves can be on edge and accounts dry from buying more feed then normal, but the positive psychological affects are just mind boggling.  When I was a little kid I just didn't get it.  My parents would talk about how great a slow gentle, all day rain was, does anybody even remember those?  You opened the doors and windows and let the cool wet air literally soak your body.  Come to find out those kind of rains are not just good for the soil, they are just as good for the soul! All  I would talk about is how I had to go do chores in the mud.  Certainly I understood the importance of rain to our crops but I didn't understand how a rain affected peoples personalities. As I got older it became apparent. I know after the fires last March 6th, those first rains we got were absolutely heaven sent.  I also know the people suffering through the fires from last week will feel the same when they feel the raindrops on their face.  There is no better feeling and  unless your paycheck depends on how much it rains,  you probably can't sense the magnitude of a rain either.  But in my world, people start smiling again.  People get a sense that everything is going to be alright.  Even though they know God will provide, it's always easier to see that in mud puddles! I'm not trying to blow smoke up anybody's skirt.  Even though the rain we got last night was a true blessing, in reality it hasn't changed a whole lot yet.  Unless your wheat crop was on summer fallowed ground or under irrigation, it probably didn't change the fact that your crop is a bust.  We have just been too long without moisture.  While this rain definitely will start some grass it won't grow long without some more rains.  We are still in the middle of a monstrous drought that unfortunately won't change with an inch of precipitation. But what has changed already is peoples perceptions and when your perception is changed your attitude is changed and lots of times that's 90% of the battle right there!  The Lord has blessed us with rain and for that we will rejoice!

Around the farm...............It's going to be a slow day around the farm.  We are going to feed what we have to and enjoy this great rain.  I might even go jump in some mud puddles!  Deb might even get me to do some dishes, but no promises in writing!

If you enjoyed this chapter of my blog please tell everyone you know.  That's the only way to grow our audience.  One good recommendation at a time.  You can keep up with my escapades on Twitter @OKREDNECKFARMER.  I am also on Facebook.  You can join me on my page at OKredneckfarmer.  If you would like to email me I can also be reached at  I'd love to hear from you!  Till next time everybody............ 



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