
Showing posts from April, 2018

Chaper 16-- What A Glorious Morning

Chapter 16--What A Glorious Morning Good Morning Everybody, How are ya?  Our little area of paradise received its first meaningful rain in over 6 months last night and this morning.  Reports so far say we were blessed with around an inch of rain.  Praise the Lord it rained, but maybe just as important is how a good general rain over a large area just changes everybody's attitude.   Farmers and ranchers are the ultimate optimists.  We have to be.  It seems we see droughts, storms, blizzards, low commodity prices, floods, high feed costs, tariff wars, crop failures or a combination of it all, as frequently as some people change their underwear.  Nerves can be on edge and accounts dry from buying more feed then normal, but the positive psychological affects are just mind boggling.  When I was a little kid I just didn't get it.  My parents would talk about how great a slow gentle, all day rain was, does anybody even remember th...

Chapter 15---Prepping Isn't All About The Zombies

Chapter 15--Prepping Isn't All About The Zombies Good Morning Everybody, How are ya?  I've been wanting to write about this topic for a long time, but it finally came together in my head after another catastrophic wildfire in NW and Western Oklahoma.  After the fires last March 6th and now these, tell me why people shouldn't be preppers?  Sometimes preppers get a bad name.  People see shows where preppers are hoarding large caches of weapons or they are building a bunker to withstand a nuclear blast and to me if you think that's what a prepper is, you are missing about 95% of us.  That's just a true disservice to prepping.  Prepping can be a multitude of things, short term or long term practices, to help you get through an event.  I'm going to cover some of them . When I made a job change last year it was a stressful time to say the least.  You know bills keep coming whether you have a job or not.  But one thing that gave me piec...

Chapter 14--Hell On Earth Part 2

Chapter 14--Hell On Earth Part 2 Good evening everybody, how are ya?  Its been a while since I've been on here. I apologize for that.  Seems like things get busy and things take precedent over other things. I continually think about things to write about and even start blogs and get in the middle of them and it just doesn't say what I want it to say so I hit the delete button.  But today I have a topic that unfortunately is all to easy to write about.  Here it goes............. Oklahoma is on fire again.  Record drought, ultra dry fuel, and winds that are crazy have led to historic fires once again in NW and western Oklahoma. Fires have roared since Thursday and continue to rage.  Heavy winds tomorrow will continue to fan the flames and grow burnt acres into more burnt acres.  Its ugly and going to get uglier.  We are all too familiar with fires out here but know more is coming. Last March 6th was Hell on Earth Part 1.  Hundreds of t...