Chapter 14--Hell On Earth Part 2

Chapter 14--Hell On Earth Part 2

Good evening everybody, how are ya?  Its been a while since I've been on here. I apologize for that.  Seems like things get busy and things take precedent over other things. I continually think about things to write about and even start blogs and get in the middle of them and it just doesn't say what I want it to say so I hit the delete button.  But today I have a topic that unfortunately is all to easy to write about.  Here it goes.............

Oklahoma is on fire again.  Record drought, ultra dry fuel, and winds that are crazy have led to historic fires once again in NW and western Oklahoma. Fires have roared since Thursday and continue to rage.  Heavy winds tomorrow will continue to fan the flames and grow burnt acres into more burnt acres.  Its ugly and going to get uglier.  We are all too familiar with fires out here but know more is coming.

Last March 6th was Hell on Earth Part 1.  Hundreds of thousands of acres burned, lives were lost, cattle and other livestock killed, homes and barns and fence and corrals destroyed.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  The smell of the smoke, dead carcasses everywhere and the image of what you would have thought were the  moon, but were sandhill pastures, is what I will remember. So when I see pictures and videos of the fires that started last Thursday, I get the same pit in my stomach I had last year.  I know lives have been lost, livelihoods are gone, homes that have been in families for generations are nothing but burnt rubble and yet things are already looking up.  Trucks with hay for the people that got burnt out are already starting roll this way.  Feed and supplies are heading their way and people are stepping up once again to help those that need help.  It sure makes this crabby ole fart feel good to see how rural folks help rural folks.

It will take years for these people to recover.  Pastures just don't get fixed over a year.  You can't just replace genetics that some of these people had in their herds over a short period of time either.  But what some people that are reading this blog may not understand is that people out here, Oklahomans, western and NW Oklahomans are as tough as nails.  There may have been tears yesterday, today and will be some tomorrow and in the future but, there will also be steps forward everyday as well and soon progress will be made, operations rebuilt and those people affected by the fire will help the next fire victims.  It's just what people do out here.

Around the farm.............Is the weather ever going to cooperate  so we can get stuff planted?  I'm beginning to wonder.  100 degrees then 25 for a low.  Winds that just can't seem to lay and a drought of almost biblical proportions.  Needless to say its been a challenge.  But better times are in front of us.  Chance of rain this weekend, hopefully it goes ahead and develops.

if you want to get ahold of me you can reach me on Twitter.  My handle is @OKREDNECKFARMER.  You can keep up with me on Facebook.  My page is OKredneckfarmer or you can email me at I appreciate your continued support and we'll talk to you next time.  Good night.

Random pictures from the fires around the area.


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