Chapter 7--Merry Christmas Everybody

12-24-17  Chapter 7--Merry Christmas Everybody

Hello everybody, how are ya?  It's the day before Christmas and all through the house, well, all the creatures are stirring because we are actually doing our celebrating today.  This time of year makes a rational person wax poetic and count their blessings.  I wanted this blog to encumber what's important during this holiday season.  Contrary to what some people and businesses want you to think, presents are not what this time of year should be about.  Case in point, we swallowed our pride and went to WalMart on Thursday.  Aisles were packed with people, inconsiderate people, asshole people and while I didn't need a reminder on what Christmas is truly about, it still hit me in the head like a 2X4 that this wasn't it.  So  I  am going to try and help remind you what's important and what you should hold close in the next few days.

I totally get the whole rational of presents for kids.  I am all for it, kids need to be kids, they need to be spoiled a little, or a lot, but once you get past the presents, what should Christmas really entail for everybody.  Well obviously, Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus' birthday. If you are of the Christian faith then you get the significance of what Christmas is.  But once you get past the birthday, what else does Christmas mean?  I am way past the gift giving mode of retail therapy.  That's not what Christmas should be about. Are we spoiling the granddaughters?  Duh! Are we getting together with the kids, eating, playing games and encouraging  other child like behavior? Sure!  But not lost on this household is what's truly important, especially this time of year.  We are Christians, of strong faith, and celebrate our Savior every day,  but a little more on Christmas. We celebrate the birth of the little baby that was born so we could be saved from our sins.    We celebrate the true grace and dignified man that our Lord grew up to be and we celebrate the sheer innocence of a child opening up a present for the first time and not caring what's inside.  They are just tickled to have a present.

Instead of celebrating with presents, we have went to celebrating traditions, homemade gifts, being with family and seeing smiles on faces.  When it really comes down to it, those smiles are much better then any gift any person could give.  Without a doubt, like any other holiday we celebrate, Christmas has become more commercialized then anybody could have ever imagined.  We have lost what the true celebration should have been about and replaced it with trying to see how many gifts you can get underneath your tree. I think back to what a Christmas celebration in days gone by was like.  Maybe a wild turkey being roasted in their oven, a tree dad went and chopped down with his axe, is covered with freshly popped popcorn.  Maybe gifts under the tree that the family made or bartered for.  Kids celebrating a candy cane or apples or oranges.  Games, music , comradery and maybe a chapter out of the good book, read aloud, reminding us why we celebrate the day.  I'm not saying all the new traditions are bad.  Not by a long shot.  But instead of trying to outdo the presents from last year, instead of seeing how much money you can spend and instead of buying into all the hype of the commercialized business that Christmas has turned into, try slowing down, turning the tv off, turn your phone off and listen to the giggles of the kids, watch the twinkle in your wife's eye when the little ones play with the box that the expensive gift came in, rather then the gift, and take in your surroundings.  The laughter, the smiles and the truer meaning of Christmas.  Happy Birthday Jesus.  I'm glad I know you, and I'm glad we celebrate you as the best gift ever given.  Merry Christmas everybody!!!

On the farm...............Other then feeding and watering the animals nothing is going on around here.  We are getting ready to celebrate.

If you liked what your read, please share and tell all your friends and family about the blog.  Please let me know what you think.  You can friend me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter @OKREDNECKFARMER or email me at  Once again, Merry Christmas from the Littles.  


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