Chapter 9--Happy New Year!! Divine Intervention And A 1985 Ford F 350

12-31-17 Chapter 9--Happy New Year, Divine Intervention And A 1985 Ford F350 Good Morning!! As the year only has a few more hours left in it, I wanted to pause a little and give some time to reflect on the things that happened this past year and to count my blessings one more time before the clock strikes 12. As 2017 started off normal enough it soon changed. In January, we had a historic ice storm that knocked down miles upon miles of electric line. We were without power for 10 days. I soon found out how much money we would spend on just gas for 3 generators. It was shocking. Then on March 6th, literally all hell broke loose.......................A wildfire that soon became 3 wildfires broke out in this area. Powered by 50-60 mph winds, tons of dry fuel and not near enough firefighters, many people lost cows, horses, fences, homes and livelihoods. Being in the middle of it and doing all we could do to save anything sure makes...