Chapter 2--What Would Happen If Our Congress Had Dirty Hands

Chapter 2--What Would Happen If Our Congress Had Dirty Hands

Though you may argue, nothing feels as good as dirty hands.  Now I know some of you think I must have totally lost it, but let me explain.  There is something  good about getting dirt and grime underneath your fingernails.  Something primal maybe about having your hands so dirty, that when you wash and wash and wash your hands they still have this tint of brown, silver and grey to them. When you wash your hands and go eat a cheeseburger and your lunch kinda tastes like what you've been working on, that's what I'm talking about. 

I was raised to shake peoples hands.  It didn't matter whose hands, everybody deserved a handshake.  That's how I greet people that I meet,  Firm, solid, I was taught shake hands like you meant it, not like you were a flopping fish on the shore.  So when you shake hands obviously you notice the others persons hands.  Soft, like the heaviest piece of equipment they have hauled around is an ink pen, or rough and calloused, like they've just moved the world with their hands. 

Well there is another alternative to hands, the highly sought after dirty hands.  Soiled covered, cow manure stained, grease tinted mitts that everybody should strive to have.  I never speak in absolutes, the only absolute I know is Jesus Christ, but, for the most part, I have never met a bad person with dirty hands.  Questionable character maybe, rowdy for sure, but all in all great people.  So what would happen if Congress had dirty hands?  Some of you will say, "Their Hands are filthy".  I wont argue that point, but that's not what I'm talking about.  What if we sent our elected officials to Washington with honest, hard working, dirty hands.  They wore wranglers and boots to hearings, they drove to the airports to catch their planes in pickups, they actually had to shape their own Stetson hat and oh my God, it had a tinge of dirt and sweat on it.  I have a sneaky suspicion more would get done.  What if we sent small business owners to Washington.  Dairymen and dairywomen, corn farmers, wheat growers, concrete workers, EMTs, nurses, cops, firefighters, soldiers, asphalt layers, carpenters, and an occasional hog farmer or two. After all, there is already a lot of pork in Washington.  If we did all this do you think our country would be better off?  I really do. What if instead of somehow being second class citizens, people with dirty hands made the laws, enforced the regulations, and then ruled when there was a conflict. How fast would things turn around? You want to see meaningful tax reform, helpful healthcare reform, common sense regulation control, send people with dirty hands to do the job.   The results would happen at supersonic speed.  We have Reps and Senators who have been in DC for 20-50 years.  They haven't had their hands dirty, in the right way, in at least that long. They have lost sight of why they were sent there in the first place, that's assuming they even knew why when they were elected.  Its all our fault for the most part.  We keep sending them back every 2 or 6 years.  But just think who your elected officials are and ask yourself if they have honest to goodness dirty hands, then think of somebody that you know that does, and figure out if they would be a better fit to govern for you.  We have got to fix our problem and in many ways it can start with one pair of dirty hands at a time.

On the farm...................Today we are rounding up raised bed tanks to plant in.  I learned along time ago the less bending over the better.  I also saw several people raising sweet potatoes in old tanks so we are going to try that too.  Stay tuned for pictures to be uploaded soon  to show you what we are doing. If you like what you read, please comment below.  You can keep up with my escapades on facebook, just search for Doug Little or the farm at Bodark Springs Farm.  I just joined twitter.  You can reach me there at OKREDNECKFARMER, and as always you can email me at  Please like, share and tell your friends about the blog and the social media sites so we can grow this medium.  Take care and have a great rest of the day!!


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