Chapter 10-- Can Oklahoma Become A Green State?

1-4-18 Chapter 10- Can Oklahoma Become A Green State?

How is everybody?  Its starting to warm up here, finally.................40-50 degree weather never felt so good.  So today our illustrious governor set June 26th as the date that medical marijuana would be voted on by the people of the state.  Whoa..........dude, could Oklahoma really become "Red Hills High"?  Well, here is what I think about the whole medical marijuana issue. 

I wish this was a black and white issue.  One where a simple Yes or No would be easy to answer, but its really not.  On the face of the issue I would vote against the proposition.  Then human factors start invading my brain.  I have had several medical professionals tell me they know some of their patients would benefit from the passage of this measure.  I get it, I understand it and I still would vote No.  Does that make me a heartless bastard?  Well maybe it does.  What I also see is every druggie in the world getting a card because of depression, anxiety, the sniffles, allergies, excess gas, and every other ailment known to man.  Now what is the difference between medicating with weed versus a bottle of whiskey or a bottle of pain pills.  We know for a fact that getting a prescription of pain pills is still pretty easy to do.  We also know story after story of boozers that get mean after they drink and either commit domestic violence or get behind a wheel and hurt somebody.  Is it so bad for somebody to smoke a joint to ease their cancer chemo nausea?  Is it so bad to use weed to help with glaucoma pain? What about little kids using the oil to help with their seizures?    On the surface No its not, but nothing stops at the surface.  I think marijuana is the ultimate gateway drug.  When you can't get that kind of high anymore, how many pot smokers will move on to something harder to get that next high.  For those people who wouldn't otherwise use an illegal substance medical marijuana could lead them down the wrong road.  Also what happens to people who get a medical card and their ability to buy firearms?  I would bet that goes away but I don't hear anybody talking about that issue.  

I would also be lying if I didn't say I wonder how this state would screw this up if it passed. Where does the tax money go?  After all we don't have the smartest people in the governor's mansion or down on Lincoln Blvd.  Look at our state health department debacle or our education debacle or our budget deficit debacle.  We sure have a lot of debacles here, don't we!  Maybe if this passes I should put some sort of eatery next to a dispensary .  That way I can capitalize on all their munchies.  After this short discussion I have to say I will still vote against the measure, but my mind can be swayed by facts. Just my opinion...............

On the farm................Finally the sun is out and the weather is warming up.  We are finalizing our chicken order for the spring and also fixing to ramp up the market garden preparation.  So stay tuned for more regular updates on both.  

If you like what you have read or at least found it entertaining, you can keep up with me on Facebook.  If you are more of a Twitter person you can follow me @OKREDNECKFARMER.  You can also email me at  

Have a great rest of the day!!


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