Chapter 11-- Where Are All The Heroes?

1-21-2017 Where Are All The Heroes? 

Good Evening Everybody.  I figured it was time to get back in the saddle again and do some writing.  We finished watching Band of Brothers yesterday.  I saw it in 2001 and a few times since then before finding it on Amazon Prime a few days ago.  Deb said she had never watched it before.  I think she liked it.  The final clip showed Major Winters who was the brains and heart of E company reciting a quote from a letter.  A grandson asked his grandfather if he was a hero for serving in WW II.  The grandfather said back, "No, but I served in a company of heroes".  

Now I know everything that comes out of Hollywood is tilted to what ever direction they want it to be, but I also know WW II vets, members of the greatest generation, seemed to have some rather large testicles.  They had to have to accomplish the things they did, to face the things they faced, seen the things they saw.  It got me to thinking.  I'm not saying we don't have any heroes left, obviously we do, but where are they? When I was growing up, you looked towards your family for heroes.  Looked towards friends, their parents, community leaders, teachers and coaches.  You saw people in the military, you saw how pro athletes carried themselves, at least publicly, and you could say that's a person that is genuinely good.  Hell, you could even list a handful of politicians that were trying to do the right things for the right reasons.  Today where are the heroes?

Today we have athletes kneeling while our national anthem is playing.  We have women marching for women's rights dressed as pinky puffy vaginas. Hollywood only seems to be made up of sexual assaulters and harassers.   We have kids eating laundry detergent and posting the videos online and we are in the midst of a gigantic turd in the punchbowl episode of "Our Government Shutdown". Sure seems like a likely group of heroes to me.  We somehow have went to a place where the majority of people, or at least the vocal minority, yell and screw obscenities and poof they are the heroes that we are suppose to laud after and copy our lives and actions after.

The term "hero" should mean different things to different people.  I was brought up to honor people that served in our military.  I still do.  But I also honor cowboys, farmers, store owners, police officers, firefighters, teachers,  council people and the list goes on and on and on.  Ordinary people that get up every morning, put their pants and boots and shoes on just like everybody else and go out and do ordinary or extra ordinary things.  People that provide for their family, not because they have to, but because of the love and care they have for their families, people that put others before themselves, people that do right just cause that's what you are suppose to do.  All those types are really heroes.

Which brings me to some groups of people who aren't heroes.  I used to love pro sports.  Saturdays, Sundays and Monday nights during the fall of the year were spent inhaling all of the sports I could.  Then something happened, a group of overpaid, bitchy little twits started thinking they were better then they were.  Just the opposite of what a hero is right? It's really our own fault to some extent.  We made them what they are.  Their high paid skill is they can play ball.  Great attributes for sure, but not hero worthy. I could make my own peace with that.  People are paying high prices to see them run up and down a field or court.  Paying to see home runs, dunks and touchdowns, but is that what heroes are suppose to be? I think not. Everybody, with few exceptions, has some sort of ego.  I don't think egos are horrible things necessarily, till they get in your way of being who you are suppose to be.  For a lot of people their ego has gotten in their way.  Egos?  Perfect segway into our political system right?

I have been around some, so to speak. Seen how when the tides were setting people jumping on or off the bandwagon.  Seen midnight meetings where deals where cut, Seen how just a few control so much.  I have witnessed reps and senators vote for or against matters in direct conflict of their constituents, just because a ranking member told them too.  I'm guessing it might have been discussed that it would be beneficial for their career.  Hells bells, special interests groups run our state.  Now before I get crucified I do believe every group should be heard, but I think when a few control a lot bad things can occur.  Our state can't balance a budget, can't pay a teacher a competitive salary, but we can sexually harass with the best of them.  All you have to do is look at the public officials brought up on harassment charges and you know we have a problem.  Sure a rotunda full of heroes down on Lincoln Blvd, isn't there? It's sad to say, but our state can't hold a candle to what's going on in Washington DC.  If I wrote on everything that is wrong in DC, my blog would resemble War and Peace.  So lets just hold it to the funding/DACA befuddling piece of crap this has turned into.  Now this isn't our first government shutdown.  Nor will it be our last and that's a pity. In some ways, maybe a shutdown isn't that bad. After all, essential employees are still working.  The military, border patrol, etc. keeps doing their jobs and all the asshats just blame other people but really can't do much damage.  After all, the government is shut down. It's all under the pretense that the democrats were holding the republican's feet to the fire over DACA.  In my opinion, it's not a black or white matter, but  the fact that our country is not running on all cylinders right now is totally the doing of ungrateful disrespectful ingrates every state has elected and sent to DC.  It doesn't matter what side of the isle they are on, they are the problem.  I suppose it probably has always been this way, but in times past it seemed they at least hid their idiocy a little.  Hell, now they embrace it.  They embrace  their role of pompous dumbass and relish in it's muck and mire.  If I had one place to go look for heroes it wouldn't be on Capitol Hill.

Maybe, if we looked inward and remember what good people were made of we could find more heroes.  Maybe, if we put stock in what makes people great instead of what makes people popular we could remember what made this country great.  Finally, if we can do what's right, maybe some of these people who are in positions to be heroes but are acting like dipshits can remember what true valor is and right their wrongs.  Anyway, that's my thoughts.

On the farm...........Warmer weather makes me look ahead to spring.  I believe we have finished our garden planning.  Well, probably not but I could hope.  It won't be too long before we start seeds and plant potatoes.  Time should go pretty fast from now on.  I can't wait.

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