Chapter 13 If A Few Good Ole Boys Can Figure It Out..................

2-15-2018  Chapter 13  If A Few Good Ole Boys Can Figure It Out.............

Good evening everybody.  Contrary to what a lot of people may think, I don't post everything I think or even write.  Fact is, since the last time I published a blog chapter I have had 5 different blogs written then I deleted them because they didn't say what I wanted to say.  Topics like police shootings, vegetable production,  farm issues, gender identity and politics. Hopefully today's chapter says what it needs to.

Every morning and really all day long sometimes, I am a member of a group text with 3 of my friends.  We grew up together, graduated together, and are college educated, (not sure that really matters), and for the most part successful.  Our texts usually consist of jokes, sports items, politics, calling each other losers, because the other 3 are, and making rude comments about our teams each of us  like to follow.  However, every once in a while we get into conversations that are important.  So today we had one those conversations about school shootings and how to fix the problem.  Now it's important to know that all four of us are gun owners, some of us conceal carry and some of us hunt.  In this group is salesmen, farmers/ranchers and an educator. We all grew up very rural, two of us still live here, one of us lives in a town that has about 20,000 people and the other lives in a very urban setting, but everybody still has family in this area.  So after the cordial name calling that we all partake in, the question was asked, "How do we make it a little harder to buy assault rifles after another school shooting?" And he is right, to a point anyway.  In my opinion,  it is too easy for the wrong person to buy or just get a gun and hurt somebody or multiple people.  But how do we fix the problem of school shootings? Do we have armed security or police on our high school campuses?  Maybe.  I know to a lot of you this isn't anything new.  Larger schools have had campus police officers for a long time.  Maybe even having local cops make appearances at school would be a determent, but does that fix the problem? No probably not.  What about having teachers or administrators carrying weapons to intercept any thug that wanted to do harm to our kids. Or maybe the school should just hire a police officer of their own.  Now larger schools could afford to do that but these small schools in my area couldn't even start to do that.  Its hard enough to just keep the lights on for some of them. It was brought up about having veterans provide security around schools but that could open up a lot of issues as well.

So how do we fix the problem.  Well, first you have to identify the problem and that's not easy to do.  Is the problem just having weapons like this available?  Is it having mentally unstable people having access to these guns?  Is it having rules, regulations and laws in place but not enforcing them or letting individuals fall through the cracks? Is it the disintegration of the family and values that go along with having a strong family unit?  Well in my opinion you can answer yes to all of these reasons.

I'm a lifetime member of the NRA and support what they do and in no way want to give up any of my 2nd amendment rights, just like I don't want to give up any of my other rights. I don't own any assault weapons, I don't own any assault style weapons and furthermore can't see myself buying them.  But as a law abiding citizen if I want to, I want the right and ability to be able to purchase them.

Is having a better vetting process to purchase the weapon a step in the right direction?  Well, sure it is.  Who doesn't want a strong process and in the end that will protect kids.  Everybody!!  But what happens when criminals or unstable people buy guns off the street or from a random individual?  Obviously not a strong vetting process is possible there.

Is it letting all these people fall through the cracks, not forwarding vital information to the proper authorities, not uploading info to the database?  The list could go on and on. Well, sure it is.  Example after example of this has happened for a long time. People need to do their job and do it right but unfortunately this really doesn't fix the problem at hand.  It would help a great deal but it won't fix it.

Is the way to fix the problem to reestablish the family and everything that goes with it?  Respecting authority, valuing life and doing what is right.  Seems simple right?  Loving households, income that pays the bills, safe neighborhoods etc.  I guarantee you if all that happened vicious crime would go down to almost nothing.  But how do we get there?  Its not like you can legislate good wholesome family values and then enforce it. Who would be in charge of that, our government? Really?? Can they pass legislation that could lead to some of these values returning, sure?  But you have heard the saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink". Until each individual wants to be a better person things won't change on the scale that they need too.  Until people value traits that should be valued and turn away from things that should be turned away from, we will continue having these arguments about how to save lives and not really getting anything done.  The problem is, even though we know how to fix the problem, we can't fix somebody else's family.  It doesn't work that way.  It sounds so simple but if people would turn back towards God and take care of their home then we would see real results.  Its so simple, even a few good ole boys can see the problem, but we just can't fix it.

Around the farm....................Its a busy time.  We are starting seeds, working ground and making final preparations to plant.  It wont be long now till we have veggies growing everywhere.  If you like what you have read, please like and share this blog.  You can keep up with me on Facebook, just search for me.  Or you can follow me on Twitter @OKREDNECKFARMER, it should be interesting.  Have a great rest of the evening and a better tomorrow!!


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